Our journey so far...

Hey Mama!

What an incredible journey The Fit Mama has been on so far!  We wanted to share some of the highlights of the past couple of months, as well as some of the insights we've gained along the way!

We started out The Fit Mama with a simple goal: remove barriers - practical and/or mental - for mums on their health and fitness journeys.  We know too well that as mums, we prioritise pretty much everyone and everything first and often forget to fill up our own cup (to the detriment of our own mental and physical health).  With the demands of our little ones, partners, household tasks and hectic daily lives it's no wonder we end up coming last.

We wanted to give mums that push to prioritise themselves because mama when you look after yourself, you'll be the best version for yourself and everyone else around you!  

We don't want to blow our own trumpet but since we've held our first event on the 15th of November (a Zumba class + childcare) we've come a long way.

We've gone on to organise two coffee mornings (with informative seminar sessions on health and fitness), two mat pilates classes, one reformer pilates class and one Shapes(Pilates+Power yoga) class for our community of amazing mamas!  We also set up a walking group where we schedule weekly walks to encourage each other in getting our steps in whilst simultaneously connecting with other mamas.

Through that we’ve formed an amazing community of mothers from all around Dubai, who ultimately share a common goal: improving their health and fitness.  We shared our successes and struggles with each other when it comes to nutrition and exercise and EVERY WIN IS CELEBRATED, no matter how small it may seem.

We’ve met so many amazing mothers who are at various different stages on their health and fitness journeys.  We bonded over our common struggles, and received great advice from each other with understanding, support and empathy.  We discovered along the way that no matter how far you are from reaching your ideal fitness target, it only takes one step and you're on your way to a series of positive changes.

At our first coffee morning we put faces to the names of our wonderful members and Allison (UL.TRA FITNESS) ran a seminar where she introduced the 4 basic components of health: sleep (what's that?!), recovery, hydration and nutrition. Every one of these aspects was discussed in detail and we all got a chance to set our own targets; our individual little baby steps to improving our overall health in the long run.

Our second coffee morning was a deep dive into nutrition where we got so much great advice and tips around reframing our approach to nutrition.  We learned some really informative facts about macronutrients (chickpeas aren't as solid of a protein source as you'd think) and the talk kept us wanting more and more.  

Our fitness classes have been a massive hit!  We've provided mamas the perfect setup where they're able to enjoy a workout class with zero mum guilt and zero stress.  Their little ones are supervised by nannies so it's a win win  situation for everyone involved! It has been an absolute pleasure to organise these classes and receive brilliant feedback from all the mamas!

What’s next for The Fit Mama?

Our aim for the new year is to continue to organise weekly group fitness sessions with nanny support and hold one coffee morning per month, and most importantly to support and push mamas as much as we can to start prioritising themselves and their fitness. 

This is only the beginning of what will be the most transformative experience for all our mamas involved!  Stay tuned, follow our social media and come along to our events...If you don't know, get to know and don't forget mamas, we have your back!


The Fit Mama team ( Jomana, Nahla, Naseha and Ola)

Pilates class for our mamas with childcare services in a beautiful, tranquil outdoor setting
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